速報APP / 生產應用 / Find Free Apps

Find Free Apps



檔案大小:1.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 4.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Find Free Apps(圖1)-速報App

*** Discover The Secret To Saving Hundreds of Dollars On The App Store! ***

This clever little app finds PAID apps that are now FREE or ON SALE for a limited time!

Yes, the apps are also FREE in the App Store, but this app will show you which ones have just had a price drop!

Find Free Apps(圖2)-速報App

Then you can quickly download them before the price goes back up!

Let me fill you in on a little secret...

Thousands of app makers give away their PAID apps for FREE, or at a discount to get more people to download them!

Find Free Apps(圖3)-速報App

But they only do it for a limited-time (usually just a few days). And it's mostly 'under the radar'. So you probably won't notice the price drops in the App Store.

'Find Free Apps' checks the App Store daily for these limited-time price drops. If you see an app you like, quickly download it before the price goes back up!

You can sort apps by New, Most Popular or by Discount to get the biggest savings.

Find Free Apps(圖4)-速報App

You can save hundreds of dollars and discover some great new apps as well. With 'Find Free Apps', you'll never miss another special offer again!

>> 100% Legal <<<

IMPORTANT NOTE: We don't set the prices. The app owners do. You can check the price of the apps before downloading. Some discounts don't last very long and the price goes back up, so you need to be quick!

Find Free Apps(圖5)-速報App
